Monday, December 14, 2009

What is Alice? This thing where you can make your own animated world pretty much whatever you want it to be about. you can choose to do anything you want on it pretty much. What objects does Alice have to offer? You can live on the beach, in an ice world, and out in a big green grassy area. What could Alice be used for? Alice can be used for many different jobs. If you understand alice and can do it like it's nothing then you have pretty good inteligence with a computer. What are the pros of Alice? It can make you feel really good being able to finish something like Alice. what are the cons of Alice. Alice is very easy to mess up and can be frustrating. What world did you make with Alice? I made a world out on the beach with a roller coaster in the back yard. Did you enjoy Alice? Yes I did. Why/ Why not? Because i understood it and didn't make many mistakes. would you use Alice in the future? Yes i would. If yes, for what? If no, how come? If i needed it for a job i defenteley would.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Cyber Bullying

What is Cyberbullying? Cyber Bullying is when somebody threatens you over the computer or some how bullys you over the computer.

How to Deal with Cyber Bullying

Recently these peoples son was involved in being cyber bullied. He had a problem with these two kids from school. They were not former friends and didn’t even really know each other until the second grade. One of the boys lived in his neighborhood and on one of their days off he found him on face book and started threatening him that when school starts he was going to get the Mexican mafia on him.
I think the parents did a good job turning it into the police immediately. The police did a great job of protecting this kid and keeping him safe from this kid at school. I don’t think he will be cyber bullying anybody for awhile.
The bully had the police on his butt not long after the incident happened. The parents printed the messages and got them on paper for the police. The police took care of it and put it all on the bullies files and records. The kid that was getting bullied went on with his life like nothing ever happened.
I don’t think anything could have been done to stop this kid from threatening another student. The only thing I can think of is if the person getting bullied wouldn’t
Have added that kid as a friend if they weren’t really friends. Other then that I don’t see what else could have been done.
I have had people on myspace and stuff threatening me. I come to find out all them kids are just trying to act hard and scare you. None of them do anything to you. All it does is make you feel like a big person just because it’s over the computer. 99.9 percent of the people that have threatened me haven’t done anything to me.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Staying Civil OnlineGive 5 rules for internet etiquette.Read "Staying Civil Online" from page 287 in your textbook.Summarize the article and list the 7 "netiquettes" it lists.Explain those 7 netiquettes and your personal thoughts on each.Do you think that netiquette is important? Why or why not?


Acceptable Use PolicyExplain what an AUP is.How is an AUP used at Glenvar? Give 5 rules and why they would be important.How could an AUP policy be put in place at a job?Why are AUP's necessary?If you were the boss of a large company where each employee had their own computer and access to internet, what rules and regulations would you have?


EmoticonsExplain what an emotion is.Explain what an emoticon is.Give 10 examples of emoticons and what they mean.Explain what an acronym is.Give 10 appropriate examples texting/IMing acronyms

Monday, November 9, 2009

HTML - Hyper Text Markup LanguageInformation to include:1. What is HTML?2. What is a tag? Give an example.3. Explain "open" and "close" tags4. Steps to create a HTML site (BE VERY THOROUGH!!! I should be able to create my own site from your instructions on this one!)5. Give 3 websites that give good examples of HTML tags to copy and paste6. How do YOU feel about HTML? What did you know already? What do you know now? Will this help you with anything in the futre? Why/Why not?

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Your blog is on google as one of the top responses for "How to Build an Ethernet Cord"
(It really isn't, we're playing pretend).
This post needs to have the isntructions on how to build an ethernet cord (you may have changed your directions after creating your own cord!) Give instructions on your blog on how to create an ethernet cord just as though the person reading it had no idea what an ethernet cable was, what to use, or how to assemble it!
First : Explain the purpose of the ethernet cable.
Second: Materials needed
Third: Instructions (INCLUDE COLORS! You may want to change the font color to match for the order.. just an idea.)
Fourth: How to test
Fifth: Give a personal statment about the first time you created an ethernet cable - How hard was it? How many times did you mess up? What would you do differently now that you have a correct cord?
Sixth: Words of encouragement to the new ethernet cable builder :)
Seventh: Include at least one photo of an ethernet cable (one that looks like yours!)

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Post #3

A network is a lot of computers grouped together. we need networkds for businesses and schools. ss

LAN and WAN benefit in robustness, access and scalability. Makes it so much easier. Three common network topologies are bus, ring, and star.

.Windows 98, the Mac O.S, NOS, and Windows 2000 Server

Describe the difference between a peer-to-peer network has no central server. Each workstation on the network shares its files equally with the others. There’s no central storage or authentication of users. Conversely, there are separate dedicated servers and clients in a client/server network. Through client workstations, users can access most files, which are generally stored on the server. The server will determine which users can access the files on the network.Client/Server Networks and Peer to Peer Networks.

Post #2

International hacker pleads guilty for massive hacks
of U.S. retails networks. Friday, September 11, 2009

.More than 40 million credit and debit card numbers were stolen
from major U.S. retailers as a result of the hacking activity.

.Albert Gonzalez, 28, of Miami, pleaded guilty today to 19 counts of conspiracy, computer
fraud, wire fraud, access device fraud and aggravated identity theft relating to hacks into numerous
major U.S. retailers including TJX Companies, BJ’s Wholesale Club, OfficeMax, Boston Market,
Barnes & Noble and Sports Authority.

. Gonzalez was indicted in August 2008 in the District of
Massachusetts on charges related to these hacks.

. In the past 10 years there
has been a dramatic growth in the transfer and storage of credit and debit card data on computer

. Gonzalez and his coconspirators
were able to steal more than 40 million credit and debit card numbers from retailers.

. Based on the terms of the Boston plea agreement, Gonzalez faces a minimum of 15 years and
a maximum of 25 years in prison.

. He also faces a fine of up to
twice the pecuniary gain, twice the victims’ pecuniary loss or $250,000, whichever is greatest, per
count for the Boston case and a maximum fine of $250,000 for the New York case.

. Gonzalez also
agreed to an order of restitution for the loss suffered by his victims, and forfeiture of more than $2.7
million as well as multiple items of real estate and personal property, including a condo in Miami, a
2006 BMW 330i, a Tiffany diamond ring and Rolex watches.

Friday, October 9, 2009


For people that you would like to know a little more about you and learn certain details of your life. One of the pros in having a blog is meeting new people and checking out other peoples blogs. A con of blogs i think would be somebody learning stuff about you that don't need to be learning about you. I think that blogs are safe, because it doesn't really give out personal information to people. You just need to be smart on what you put on there. The technology of blogs are very high. You can learn a lot about technology and learn that computers can do crazy things.